The Storage Unit Saga…

When Lee and I moved to his hometown in Kentucky, we moved into a rambling old house. My parents had taken any and all furniture offered by various and sundry relatives over the years, so they had a lot of stuff to offload. And I was the first of my two sisters to have an actual house to fill. So, shortly after we moved in, my mom arrived with a U-Haul truck packed full of furniture.

Fastforward a handful of years and unexpectedly (but wonderfully!) we were heading down to Miami, Florida so Lee could earn a higher law degree. A great adventure — and a much smaller apartment — awaited us. We trundled off the bulk of our furniture (and books, and knick-knacks, and who-knows-what-else) into a storage unit. Only we wound up moving to Southern California instead of returning to Kentucky.

What we brought to Miami served us quite well in our little cottage in California. The Kentucky storage unit — and all its stuff — was easy to ignore. We’d deal with it at some point, was our thinking. When our lives weren’t so busy…

Now it’s just me. And I’m tired of ignoring the lurking storage unit. So I’m tackling it!  *insert fist pumps here*  It’s a tiny bit complicated, though. There’s family furniture in there. Things I can’t get rid of without consulting my sisters. And, to be honest, there’s some stuff in there I’m sure I’ll want to keep myself. WeCanDoItAdding to the complexity, I’m in California, my sisters are both in Colorado, the stuff is in Kentucky.

The solution I came up with (with a lot of family consulting) is moving the storage unit contents out to Colorado. That way my sisters and I can go through everything together and I don’t have to move a whole bunch of stuff I’ll end up not wanting to California. Extra bonus: lovely visits with my sisters and their families.

So that’s the game plan! I’m nervous about it. There’s a lot of moving parts (the storage unit contents, a temporary place to stick it all in Colorado, two sisters, me, what to do with the leftovers), and it could be emotional. In a sense it’s a time-capsule from a time in Lee’s and my life when we were on the cusp of a great adventure together. But. It needs to be done. I’m doing it with my sisters. And when it is done it’s going to be such a weight off my shoulders. And it all happens this week. So — rolling up sleeves — here we go…

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